Today seems like the real, honest-to-gawd First Day of Spring here on Whidbey Island -- clear and sunny with a nice breeze, temperature around 70 degrees. Tomorrow will be much the same, they say. I've got both windows wide open, the shades partway down so the sunlight doesn't bleach the finished items hanging near the window, and the door propped half open with a spare large flowerpot. I'm wearing a short-sleeved t-shirt for the first time since early last Fall.
New work has been moving forward at a good pace lately, and I took four new scarves up to Raven Rocks Gallery on Thursday, where I learned that a previous scarf -- from the Tropical Waters series -- had been sold a few days before. Makes a weaver's heart glad. The following pictures (well, snapshots really) show some of the most recent output.
That's Vanilla Creme Series #1, headed for the cloth beam. Bamboo warp, slubby rayon weft.
And this one's Vanilla Creme Series #2 still in process. Again, bamboo warp, but this time with a natural linen/cotton weft. Both these are now done and in the gallery.
These are Flame Series #3 and #4 -- hand-dyed silk noil warp. The weft for #3 is a fine black wool wrapped with a red metallic, so it glitters when the light hits it right. #4's weft is a ruby-red tencel, and while the complex pattern doesn't show up really well, it does a nice job of playing peek-a-boo. These two also are now in the gallery, and look terrific under the bright, angled gallery lighting.
I'm off to the Library to pick up some books and then home for the rest of the weekend. My vegetable garden will get a hunk of my time tomorrow -- my special tomato plants arrived yesterday, and need to get into their big black plastic pots situated against the south wall of the house. That's the closest I can get to having optimal conditions for them here in this (relatively) cool maritime climate.